No pain, no gain

Who would want to give up chocolate? Not many people, including me. Obviously I had a mad 2 minutes in which it seemed like a good idea, but that was weeks ago and I've come to my senses now. All too late though, I had already committed myself to the fabulous 'Stuff Your Rucksack' scheme for a trip to Nepal in April. This will see me forced to leave the kitchen sink behind and instead fill my rucksack with far more useful things to support the work of Nepal Schools Aid (UK) with disadvantaged children in Kathmandu.

Instead of financial support I am seeking donations of coloured paper/crayons/finger paints/maps/plastic letters to take to Nepal. If you would like to make a financial donation though, it would of course be very welcome. Please click on the link to My Charity page.
*Update - educational posters are also urgently needed as a priority!*

Thursday, 14 April 2011


I'll say that again.


Oh snakes alive, if ever there was a day to stick my head in a bucket of chocolate, this was it.
Just as I thought I'd defeated the chocolate gremlins, they come right back to haunt me.
Last night I thought it would be a good idea to get our currency ordered so we could pick it up from the airport, so I got on to the interweb and put the order in. The payment didn't work. I phoned my bank. Lo, their very efficient (annoyingly too efficient) anti-fraud system thought it looked suspicious. Spoke to a nice lady who gave me a number to ring and I resolved to try again the next morning.

Got up in the middle of the night (6am) to make sure I was all ready with hair combed and make-up on in order to phone the anti-fraud line at 8am (good impressions count). Phoned the line to find there were no actual people there, but a somewhat weird question system which I used the keypad to answer. It was a bit like trying to communicate with aliens, but still, it seemed to work until it asked me to confirm some recent purchases. There were quite a lot of them. All on Saturday morning. Hmmm.

Anyhoo, buoyed by this success I tried again. It didn't work. Phoned the bank again and spoke to two nice people who assured me all is well and fixed now. Would have tried again but had to gallop to work.
Went through the whole fandango again in my lunch break. Gave up, thought I'd ring up instead. Checked the website and saw the lines close at 5.30. Perfect.

Left work, bought last minute essential medication and the like and hoofed it up the hill in a manner to rival my 1996 land speed record for a flip-flop wearer success. Grabbed phone at 5.15, ring ring, 'thank you for calling......our lines are now closed' WHAT???!!! 'Our opening hours are 9 am to 5pm, please call back then.
Yes, I will call you then, but in the meantime I shall send you a very cross email.
I believe this places me at roughly point 4 on the 'losing it' scale i.e. 'a visit to strop central'

OK off to pack my 'reasonable amount of reading material for the flight'. Choices, choices.

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