Tomorrow is bumper cake sale day at school so I thought I'd set myself the challenge of making some chocolate cakes without being able to scoff half the mixture before it got in the oven. The first bit went reasonably well, though if anyone knows of a way of sifting cocoa without generating clouds of the stuff I'd like to know about it. Surely it's cheating to use the back of a spoon? The kitchen now looks like the Scene Of Crime Officers have been round taking fingerprints.
The cakes had the decency to rise a bit and actually look like cakes so I made a start on the icing. Step one: beat butter together with a spoonful of milk. This. Does. Not. Work. After a while I just got cross and splattered with milk so gave up and started sifting the icing sugar and cocoa in. Cue repeat of SOCO fingerprinting fiasco with added dreadful temptation just to stick my face in the bowl.
Resisted all such tempation and, having smothered cakes in the icing, set about artistically decorating them with cherries and marshmallows.
Looked at cakes, realised they didn't appear very artisitic after all and did the old 'if in doubt drizzle melted chocolate over' trick.
Got about 30 gallons of melted chocolate over my hands and had to clamp my jaws shut and plunge my hands into the washing up water before disaster struck.
Next time, I'll make non-chocolatey ones.
In which a librarian attempts to give up chocolate for Lent, in exchange for much needed items to support a school in Nepal. Go ahead, laugh at her misery.
No pain, no gain
Who would want to give up chocolate? Not many people, including me. Obviously I had a mad 2 minutes in which it seemed like a good idea, but that was weeks ago and I've come to my senses now. All too late though, I had already committed myself to the fabulous 'Stuff Your Rucksack' scheme for a trip to Nepal in April. This will see me forced to leave the kitchen sink behind and instead fill my rucksack with far more useful things to support the work of Nepal Schools Aid (UK) with disadvantaged children in Kathmandu.
Instead of financial support I am seeking donations of coloured paper/crayons/finger paints/maps/plastic letters to take to Nepal. If you would like to make a financial donation though, it would of course be very welcome. Please click on the link to My Charity page.
*Update - educational posters are also urgently needed as a priority!*
Instead of financial support I am seeking donations of coloured paper/crayons/finger paints/maps/plastic letters to take to Nepal. If you would like to make a financial donation though, it would of course be very welcome. Please click on the link to My Charity page.
*Update - educational posters are also urgently needed as a priority!*
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