No pain, no gain

Who would want to give up chocolate? Not many people, including me. Obviously I had a mad 2 minutes in which it seemed like a good idea, but that was weeks ago and I've come to my senses now. All too late though, I had already committed myself to the fabulous 'Stuff Your Rucksack' scheme for a trip to Nepal in April. This will see me forced to leave the kitchen sink behind and instead fill my rucksack with far more useful things to support the work of Nepal Schools Aid (UK) with disadvantaged children in Kathmandu.

Instead of financial support I am seeking donations of coloured paper/crayons/finger paints/maps/plastic letters to take to Nepal. If you would like to make a financial donation though, it would of course be very welcome. Please click on the link to My Charity page.
*Update - educational posters are also urgently needed as a priority!*

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Day One - Maybe I've been a bit optimistic

Here's how Day One panned out:

6.40am: feel quite smug, having employed the tactic of eating too many Nutella-filled pancakes last night. I cannot possibly face any chocolate for a fortnight at least. This is going to be easy peasy.

11am: suddenly find myself wishing I'd bought a chocolate flake cake on the way to work. Nooooooo, my Nutella-overdose shield has crumbled already!

11.30am: accompany lovely 6th formers to an Ash Wednesday service - leave feeling full of determination and commitment.

2.40pm: place very handsome collection box in the staff room for people to put items in, walk round the corner and set eyes on the dazzling new drinks machine. Immediately forget the no-chocolate rule. I'm almost lured in to an accidental (hot) chocolate consumption situation but am saved by the fact that I'm quite nosy and want to find out if it can make the 'tea' option taste anything like tea.

5pm: launch mission to find some crayons to take to Nepal. Find myself trapped in a pincer movement between Muffin Break and Thornton's chocolates. Scurry past, probably looking like a shoplifter, and make it home. Discover to my horror that I've left my current read 'A Touch of Frost' at work. Sulk a bit. Blame it all on the lack of chocolate and have a cup of tea instead. Sulk a bit more.

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